Yu Ting Ong

I explore the correlations and contrasts between the materiality of paint and digital constructions through painting, drawing, coding and video. My practice examines the spaces in-between; of solidity and ephemerality, the transition from light to colour, colour to light. I like to capture the moment where the collapse of distinction between what is visible or invisible, still or moving becomes a space for creative intervention. It is a study of contrast and the finding of a still point that exists in the intermediary state between flow and resistance. Central to my practice is the search for harmony and equilibrium. My work is deeply informed by Taoist philosophy on the flow, nature and water. This search for harmony through the adding and removing of marks, through balancing the right amount of colour, and mediating between configuration and spatiality, becomes a process of internal resolution as much as a pictorial one.

Yu Ting graduated with BA Fine Art from Slade School of Art (UCL) in 2013 and MA Painting from Royal College of Art in 2015. Recent exhibitions include ‘Radical Residency Exhibition 2018’, Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop, London, UK, ‘The Internet Yami-Ichi', Offprint London, Tate Modern, London, 'You Never Look at me from the place which I see you', Blyth Gallery, Imperial College London, London, UK as well as residencies at Cove Park, Scotland, UK, Grey Projects, Singapore and Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France.





Alex the Grave


Adam Kennaugh