Adam Kennaugh

In between pitch and noise, Adam Kennaugh’s music investigates the physical energies in producing a sound, which exists in a dense, unstable soundworld, reflective of the unpredictability of everyday life. Through this, he seeks to combine the visual and aural aspects of a musical performance to create an immersive experience for the listener that is both contemplative and delicate, yet sharp and aggressive.

He received a M.M. from Bowling Green state University (studying with Elainie Lillios, Christopher Dietz, Marilyn Shrude, Mikel Kuehn), received a B.M. from Montclair State University (Marcos Balter, Elizabeth Brown, Ting Ho), and an A.A. from the County College of Morris (Jose Bevia).

When he is not doing anything musically related, Adam enjoys a really good sandwich, movies that make him think/cry/laugh, and expanding his spice rack to overshadow his cooking abilities.




Yu Ting Ong


Katherine Anne Rose