Hyunbae Chang

Hyunbae is an artist with a mind of architect. He was born in West Lafayette, Indiana, but moved to Seoul, Korea at the age of 4. He spent his youth there and came back to the US for high school sophomore year in Marietta, Georgia. One year after entering Rhode Island School of Design, he served 21 months at the Army of South Korea as a field artillery unit. After receiving BFA and B.Arch in 2017, he participated in two summer workshops at Arts Letters & Numbers.

In 2018, he moved to Averill Park and started to live on-site at Arts Letters & Numbers to help run and grow the organization along with the continuation of his thesis from the school. His job ranges from maintaining and improving the facilities to programmatic makings for artistic and educational purpose. He has been working closely with the director of ALN to collaborate with other organizations including Central Academy of Fine Arts, Big Picture Learning, and Future School Korean Pavilion for Venice Biennale 2020. 

He believes in drawings as his own language to say something with other than English and Korean. He believes in drafting tools as an architect’s best friend. When in doubt with his drawings, he shifts to writing and reading. When language fools him, he builds something. Then he goes back to drawing again. He works in circles. 





Jennifer Park


Nick Meehan