Efrat Arielle Peleg

Efrat Arielle Peleg is an Israeli artist who moved to the US as a young adult. She graduated from Bard College, NY, in 2015, with a dual degree in Fine Art and Asian Studies. Efrat studied abroad at Kyoto-Seika University, Japan, where she discovered how deeply connected she was to her own Israeli culture and the conflict embodied in it. This understanding urged her to return to Israel to work with human rights and peacebuilding organizations such as Solidarity of Nations and Seeds of Peace. Working in Jerusalem for the past three years, Efrat has combined art with education in a way that has allowed her to build meaningful relationships with both youth and adults, Palestinians and Israelis, in a variety of frameworks. Art helped her foster these relationships and go beyond spoken language. Therefore, Efrat sees art as a universal language, a powerful tool to communicate and share the stories that all people, anywhere, carry within. While in Jerusalem, Efrat pursued working on her personal artwork is local studios. She expresses her own stories and learnings through paintings, printmaking and imaginative illustrations. 







Rashaun J. Allen


Amber Doniere