Ché Pérez

Che Perez received his Bachelor's of Architecture from the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture at Cooper Union. He is a recipient of the William Cooper Mack Thesis Fellowship and the Alumni Award for outstanding service to the school through his activities as an elected member of the Architecture Student Council. 

Che completed his architecture thesis on the possibility of developing an architectural framework that parallels cultural developments in Caribbean literature. Recognizing that the Caribbean carnivalesque simultaneously engages the physical and literary dimensions of that culture; acting as a metabolic catalyst for cultural evolution and an agent for post-colonial identity construction, Che developed an urban archetype that responds, amplifies and captures these transformations into the evolution of the form and program of the city. 

He has interned at architectural practices, namely; ACLA:Works, Mark Raymond Architect and MOCAD in Trinidad, and Eiroa Architects in New York. While at Cooper, he taught a year-round introductory architecture course to New York City high school students as part of the Saturday Program. 

Born in Trinidad and Tobago, Che grew up sailing and sea-scouting and has taken part in national, regional and international competitions and events worldwide. 

Che has been involved in the growth of Arts Letters and Numbers since 2011 and was between 2014 - 2016 a Resident Fellow at its Headquarters in Averill Park, NY. 




Louise Pelletier


Alberto Pérez-Gómez