David Gersten Lectures, Talks & Symposia, • 2/19/19 Two Talks on John Hejduk (Part 2; John Hejduk: Through the Wall) Previous The Architectonics of Curiosity (w. The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Next John Hejduk: The Poetic Imagination as a Social Political Act You Might Also Like Bob Garfield & Weschler consider E M Forster’s 1909 story, “The Machine Stops.” Architecture of Scale (Part 3 of Three-Part Conversation) Look Now Away Closely - David Gersten speaking at the Cooper Union Hinges Mirrors & Eclipses, Summer Workshop (2018) An Architectonic Technological Sublimity
David Gersten Lectures, Talks & Symposia, • 2/19/19 Two Talks on John Hejduk (Part 2; John Hejduk: Through the Wall) Previous The Architectonics of Curiosity (w. The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Next John Hejduk: The Poetic Imagination as a Social Political Act You Might Also Like Bob Garfield & Weschler consider E M Forster’s 1909 story, “The Machine Stops.” Architecture of Scale (Part 3 of Three-Part Conversation) Look Now Away Closely - David Gersten speaking at the Cooper Union Hinges Mirrors & Eclipses, Summer Workshop (2018) An Architectonic Technological Sublimity