Welcome to the ALNSoundRoom, a virtual space that hosts an array of sound-projects, concert recordings, podcasts and audio-based lectures. These projects are a product of collaborations with artists from across the globe.

The SoundRoom is still under construction. Sing up to our newsletter to receive updates about the progress of this page as well as upcoming events, programs and more ALN-related news.

Until then, check out Firat Erdim’s Headlands kite choir soundings - excerpts, 2022 ahead of his new program at Arts Letters & Numbers which he will be leading from May 15 - June 15, applications for which are now open.

Headlands kite choir soundings - excerpts, 2022

Firat Erdim

The sky begins beneath our feet. We are, arguably, creatures of the air more so than of the land. Over the course of this program, we will fabricate experimental sonic instruments to help us reframe the relationship between self and environment, and between self and others, through engagement with the atmosphere as our shared existential medium. The instrument typologies of the Kite Choir are related to the traditions of singing kites found around the world. Unlike these animistic traditions, the Kite Choir utilizes the reel and entire length of the kite line as the site of instrumentalization to facilitate a collaborative dance of agency between kite and pilot. The related Walking Harp and Field Harp typologies are aeolian harps made to be played actively through choreographies responding to the wind. Whether with two strings spaced apart, or multiple strings arrayed in a field, these enable one to perceive the atmosphere as a heterogynous thickness with eddies and currents.