Troels Steenholdt Heiredal 

Troels Steenholdt Heiredal addresses issues of time, geographies, spatial production, and representation. Working in various mediums and locations, he explores aspects of serendipity and emblematic effects of place.

Troels makes us question the relationship we build to our daily surroundings by drawing out the inner geographies that our spatial experiences build in us. Superimposing collections of places, spaces, and colors on film evokes unexpected connections between distinct geographies and shows that conventionally defined 2D mediums, such as drawing and photography, can be a practice of sculpting in time and space.

Looking beyond the immediate becomes a way of re-stitching the constellations of the matter that make up our environment.

Mixing media and form, the hand is always a key focal point of the work, not only in drawing and building, but also in seeing, writing, experiencing. The hands-on approach of submerging into the matter and absorbing it with the skin allows for Troels’ aesthetic idiosyncrasies to be exposed and observed in the work.

Troels holds a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering from The Technical University of Denmark and a Master of Arts in Architecture from The Aarhus School of Architecture. Troels has exhibited, been published, and has lectured on his work domestically and internationally. He is a founding fellow at Arts Letters & Numbers and an invited guest critic at Cornell University, RISD, and The Cooper Union.




Mandel Hitzer


Loren Howard