Tracey Eve Winton

Tracey Eve Winton is an architect and iconographer who holds a Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of Architecture from Cambridge University, and an M. Arch. in the History and Theory of Architecture from McGill. 

She is the winner of two international teaching awards: in 2018 the NCBDS (National Council on the Beginning Design Student) presented her with their annual Faculty award, and in 2014 the ACSA (Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture) gave her their Creative Achievement Award. She is a Research-Creation Scholar with SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada). 

Tracey has taught Design Studio and Italian Urban in the Waterloo Rome Program since 2002, as well as leading an annual 10 day North Field Trip to multiple Italian cities and monuments, and she has published and lectured extensively on Rome and Italian topics. Recent graduate seminars include Modern Vernacular: Resources of Architectural Language. She also teaches elective topics and Cultural History courses, whose projects have included full theatrical productions and an Alternate Reality Game. These projects utilize contemporary media, diversity, and collective intelligence, to explore ideas about architecture, spatial design, the body, and landscape. Tracey has worked in offices in Toronto, Montreal, and London, and her laneway house in Toronto was selected for The Conference on Innovative Housing at Yale University in 1993, and featured on the cover of Canadian Architect. 

Tracey has lectured on architecture in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America, been an editor of The Fifth ColumnAlphabet City, and Journal of Research and Application in Architecture and Urbanism, and is editing a translation of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) and a critical commentary. Her upcoming publications (2018) include an architectural reading of the famous Renaissance library in the ducal palace at Urbino, and an essay on Peter Greenaway's film, The Belly of An Architect, in relation to the architecture of Rome. 

Her other research interests include the creative imagination and its relation to history; architectural language in the work of Carlo Scarpa; Roman urbanism, landscape morphology in Renaissance painting; the role of materials in natural magic and alchemy; history and iconography of the museum; ruins, architectural spoils, and adaptive reuse; and self-built housing. 


Luca Spano


Mark Kendall