Soffia Sæmundsdóttir

Soffia Sæmundsdóttir works mainly in painting and drawing and has been active in the icelandic/international art scene for the past decade. She’s inspired by landscape and nature and seeks unknown places to explore. She’s a printmakers graduate from the Icelandic College of Arts and Craft and did her MFA in painting at Mills College California 2001-3.

Soffia has had numerous solo shows and participated in group shows in Iceland and abroad and has collaborated with fellow artists as well as with international printmaking collaborations. She has been an artist in residence around the world such as at Lukas Künstlerhaus in Ahrenshoop Germany and at Leighton Studio’s at Banff, Canada. She’s a Joan Mitchell Painter’s and Sculpture Award Recipient and a price winner in Winsor and Newton International Painting Millennium Competition. She was the Chairman of Icelandic Printmakers Association 2011-2015 and is now on the association’s show committee. She lives and works in Reykjavik greater area.




Kelli Janson


Rhona Eve Clews