Sarah Gallina

Sarah Gallina is a conceptual artist and a context maker. She works in sculpture, installation and photography. Forming a relationship among the three lays out a landscape for play, performance, and investigation. Once burrowed into a layered world, she believes the digging and filling, the wavering and steadying of good conversation can begin. Writing is a key part of the process. Pulling from notebooks of poetry and playwriting, visual worlds rise up.

After a B.A. in Political Science and English from Colgate University, she's studied with Pratt, The Art Student's League of New York and Atlantic Theatre Company. She has traveled the country with a trunk full of art supplies, books and found objects. She is currently living in Nashville, New York City and the space in between.

She hopes to make work that behaves as a catalyst or a weather vane. At Arts, Letters and Numbers, Sarah Gallina is working with ribbon.





Mira Treatman


Ray Martinez