
Pneuhaus is a design collective working within the fields of event structures, spatial and object design, and contemporary art. 

The group was co-founded in 2013 by designers Matthew Muller and August Lehrecke, who both attended the Rhode Island School of Design in the department of Furniture Design. Starting as Matt and August's thesis collaboration, Pneuhaus swiftly expanded into a sphere of potential the two could not deflate. Relocating in North Providence the summer of 2014 the pair were joined by fellow RISD alum Hunter Blackwell, Glass '14 and Levi Bedall an old friend and recent grad from The Ohio State University, Architecture '14. Focused around designing objects and spaces that require an active participation from their audience, their work covers a wide range of fields ranging from experimental material explorations to functioning objects.

Visiting artists at Arts Letters & Numbers Summer Workshop 2015.




Alberto Pérez-Gómez


Joseph Postl