Kyle Terrance

Kyle Terrence is an emerging artist and filmmaker from the industrial heart of Alberta, Canada. He holds a Masters of Fine Art from the University of Alberta where he developed his thesis, Pilgrimage: being in the end times. He is a member of the University of Alberta's Research-Creation & Social Justice CoLABoratory.

Terrence's most recent exhibition, Embeddings, was at the People’s Lodge as an artist in residence for the ADGSA Alumni Artist in Residence program. His most recent film screenings include 'Alberta' (in collaboration with Bradley Necyk) at the Metro Cinema as well as 'The Picnic' at the Roxi Theatre. He exhibited work at the 2015 SLSA “After Biopolitics” conference at Rice University, Texas. Terrence is currently an instructor at MacEwan University and the University of Alberta.

Terrence works primarily in film, performance, sculpture and photography. His work often thinks through various discourses such as the sublime, ecology, eschatology and theology. His newest body of work is looking to contemplate a link between the economic and masculine identities in the petrophilic province of Alberta.





Brad Necyk


Christina Rosati