Kory Reeder

Kory Reeder (b. 1993) is a Graduate composer currently pursuing a master’s degree in music composition at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Kory’s music investigates meditative and atmospheric qualities, unfolding slowly and creating their own sonic worlds in which they reside. His work experiments with compositional techniques found in visual arts and how they may be incorporated with music structurally or as a formal element. His music has also used structural elements found in nature and astronomy, as well as using historical timelines as proportional units in composition. Recently, his work has been focused on durations and proportions of time, particularly working in extended pieces such as his hour long ‘Liturgy’ for choir, percussion quartet, and string quartet.

Kory has frequently collaborated with theater and dance programs, writing incidental music for Jack Garrison and the University of Nebraska at Kearney Theater productions of Euripides’ Hecuba, Henrik Ibsen’s The Lady from the Sea, as well as writing for Dayna DeFilippis 2016 Dance Recital. Additionally, his music has been performed on the 2017 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, the 2017 New Music gathering, Composer’s Circle, The New Music Conflagration’s Traveling Tunes // Traveling Sounds, and has been selected and performed by the Bowling Green State University New Music Ensemble.  His work for Hecuba was awarded by The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival for achievement in Original Composition Music and Sound Effects.





Augustine Cordero


Ruby Jayaseelan