Kirsty Badenoch

Kirsty is an artist and architect drawing between the realms of narrative architecture, territorial process and the shifting landscape. She currently works at the intersection of architecture and landscape at BIG's newly established Landscape department in Copenhagen, alongside pursuing her own work within the field of experimental drawing and artistic research. She has won numerous awards for her hand drawings and exhibited internationally, alongside teaching architectural drawing workshops at Aarhus and Oslo Architecture schools.

Having graduated as an Architect from the Aarhus Architecture School, Denmark in 2013, her thesis project explored an architecture of wonder and the miraculous through the embrace and augmentation of nature - an Architecture of [Super]Nature. 

This has since inspired her artistic and territorial research works, under the encompassing title "The Disappearing Islands". The ongoing body of work centres around disappearing lands and cultures in the face of extreme territorial change. Over the past four years she has undertaken numerous research expeditions documenting a series of remote islands undergoing extreme hydro-transformation processes. These collected stories develop an ongoing series of drawing works and investigative mappings exploring themes of memory and process, place and placelessness. Narrative engagement through drawing is central to Kirsty's work, and she is fascinated by representation as a form of physical conversation.





James Rogers


Erica Dunn