Kathryn Cahill

Kathryn is an emerging Irish artist based in Dublin. Growing up as a young woman in  Dublin in the 1980’s was difficult. The reach of the Catholic church in secular, sexual, and reproductive issues meant that many forms of alternative expression were denied. Kicking against the status quo has been a defining characteristic of her expressive work.  She has lived in LA, San Francisco, Jeddah, and London. At the moment she is exploring voodoo from the perspective of sex and death. For the past six years she has been painting rather than writing. Her work in indebted to the photographs of Leah Gordon taken in Haiti. 

Her work and investigations are influenced by the technique of Italian fresco's from the 1700’s. The artists that have influenced ar Marlene Dumas, Sidney Dolan, Cindy Sherman, Joseph Beuys. She uses everything from house paint, nail varnish, glitter, acrylic, makeup





Sage Brousseau


Seth Oelbaum