Heather Martinez

Heather Martinez walks on the edges of both the visual arts and commercial art worlds. She builds bridges through co-creation and collaboration no matter the project, subject or assignment. Process and design are her focus and how she brings value to the client and viewer.

Heather studied printmaking, ceramics and alternative process photography at Baker University. She has workshopped many of her concepts at Santa Fe Workshops and with master photographers, calligraphers and signpainters. She pulls from her 20-year career as a graphic designer to translate the creation of glyphs to other visual practitioners and draws from her knowledge of change management models to inspire artists to thrive in their careers.

Co-founder of the “Sharing the 81328 Perspective” and Shared Vision Publishing which published “Arts Perspective Magazine,” Heather has also been the exhibition and programs director of two arts centers and the art director of Visioneering—a six-person team of visual practitioners who serve clients through graphic recording, graphic facilitation, appreciative inquiry and human-centered design.





Ray Martinez


Zara Meerza