Edgar Silex

Edgar Silex graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland University College, and has an MFA in Poetry from the University of Maryland. He is the author of two poetry collections published by Northwestern University Press, a chapbook published by New Sins Press, and short fiction. He has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Maryland State Arts Council. Mr. Silex has taught creative writing at the University of Maryland (College Park), at Saint Mary’s College of Maryland, and at the Maryland Institute College of Art. He served as Poet in Residence for the Howard County Poetry and Literary Society (HoCoPoLitSo) and for the Diné (Navaho) reservation. His poetry is widely anthologized and has appeared in many national publications including Rattle, Callallo, Gargoyle, Chiron Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, New American Poets of the 90’s among many other publications. Mr. Silex has also received eight Pushcart Poetry Prize nominations. His first book, Through All the Displacements was nominated for the National Book Award. His second book, Acts of Love was a finalist for the National Poetry Series. Recent work can be found in K’in, Chiron Review, Weatherbeaten, Gargoyle and Free State Review. Mr. Silex lives in Baltimore, Maryland.


Daisy Press


Andrew Helton