Bianca Turner

Bianca Turner (SP, 1984) is an artist, PhD student in Contemporary Art at the University of Coimbra, holds a BA in 'Design and Performance Practice' at Central Saint Martins (2011, London) and a Master's in "Scenography" at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (2013, London).

Her research is on the subjectivity of memory: Is memory material or immaterial? Is memory embedded in objects? – A quest that doesn’t have the intention to be solved but yet to be the source for many artworks.

‘My work explores the documentation of the ephemeral. I explore the immaterially of an object or a place; the invisible, the subjective, and the unspeakable. I think of memory as built in the present rather than something from the past; and I am interested in traces and layers as textures of memory and nostalgia.’




Cory Sever


Brittany Hayden