Ben Duarte

"I'm driven by the connections made between relative physical materials and the geometric space they imply. The form comes about in a process of simplification towards an integrally honest structure. This form becomes a sentence that conveys a statement with joinery rather than words."

Ben Duarte is a versatile builder living in Brooklyn. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Pratt Institute [2009] and was awarded the Presidential Merit Scholarship. While studying, he worked at Pratt's various shops as a technician and assistant to woodworking and welding classes.

Since leaving school, he has worked as a metal fabricator, junior architect, interior designer, furniture designer, and project manager. He currently works as project manager for Situ Fabrication, while continuing to build and design his own projects.

Visiting artist at Arts Letters & Numbers Summer Workshop 2015.




Bart Drost


Adi Dukic