Agnès Aubague

I live in Paris and in the southwest of France.

My project Le Bureau© has been ongoing 24/7 since 2002, after a Master in Social Psychology in Bordeaux and a diploma in Cultural Mediation. Through this platform of investigation, I question the power of words with installations of objects, sounds, videos, and photos. I do live performances & readings of poetry in France and abroad, playing with the spirit of words, shaped by associations and ideas. Le Bureau© presents itself as a work of art - it is a concept, tool, object / subject, and a place of fantasmatic projections, which propose a contemplative attitude. Paradoxically, it only claims one thing, that it works. 

The Polyglots Dictapoems project is composed by texts recorded with a dictaphone (in french, english, spanish and birds language - and other jumps from the cock to the donkey or the frog)... I create some Speakers' Corners, climbing on something like a chair, a box, a plinth, a car, etc… and sometimes I talk in poetic codes with alchimic whistlings of angels, and in the contemporary agora of Spoken Word evenings. 

My Dictapoems are linked to intimate and absurd themes, connected to a je-ne-sais-quoi of the universality of words: a stroll through stories of imaginary families, chimerical bestiary, children's nursery rhymes transposed to the professional world... All this is tied up in the form of lists, repetitions, and alliterations like a series of exclamations tinged with astonishment, anger, sadness, ecstasy, fear, or joy "Oh my God! Oh my GOD!"

Recently, I completed a residency at the Ottawa School of Art with an exhibition in the Lee Matasi Gallery. I put a sentence on the window, a red broom in the corner and held a live reading-performance about my new little book I HAD A NAP WITH. Recent projects include Socles de paroles, a participatory project with the University of Québec in Trois Rivières. I have also done happenings in Frasq performance festival, Générateur, Gentilly, Paris for the 100 years of Dada, Halle St Pierre, Paris and Spoken word Paris or a residence with Art Clinic, Berlin, Germany.

The Bureau has obtained grants from the Ministry of Culture in France (DRAC Ile-de-France, DRAC Aquitaine), the Ministry of Foreign Office (French Consulate in Montréal/AFAA, 2003 and in Quebec, 2017), the Aquitaine Council, the Ottawa School of Art, and the University of Québec.





Thomas Lanfranchi


Dan Thorpe