David Gersten and Don’t Delete Art will gather for a live talk to discuss the pressing issue of artist censorship in the digital world. 

March 6th, 3-5 pm EST

Via Zoom

Don’t Delete Art has been documenting the suppression of art by social media since 2020, supported by coalition members the National Coalition Against Censorship, Freemuse, and PEN America's Artists At Risk Connection. Through resources, advice, and a gallery documenting artwork removed from social media, Don't Delete Art (DDA) supports and champions the art community affected by biased content moderation and artistic suppression. 

Despite some encouraging shifts over the years, it has become clear that in order to get social media companies to take artistic expression seriously, we need to put more pressure on them. To that end, DDA released the Don't Delete Art Manifesto, calling for signatures from artists, stakeholders, and institutions across the arts.


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