Craft 1o1


Participants of Performing Arts 101 will immerse themselves in the disciplines of theater, dance, mime, movement and music. These courses focus on the refinement of performance techniques, understanding the historical and cultural contexts of the performing arts, and fostering collaboration and creativity in a dynamic setting. The performing arts will most certainly find connectivity between a number of other disciplines outside of their program, including construction, mechanics, visual arts, and humanities - all holding the space for expansive experiences spurred on by the curiosities of the participants.

July 1 - AuGUST 30


Kristoph DiMaria; Sandra Boynton; Brian Sheldon

Our Theatre 101 invites learners to awaken all their senses in exploring several on-site spaces at ALN. We will build a shared base of experience that informs our live, in-person interpretations of text from Shakespeare’s Macbeth in these spaces. Learners will participate in games of embodiment that explore our physicality, communication, and expression with and without text. They will have opportunities to problem-solve, improvise, research, intuit, rehearse, create, perform and observe themselves, each other, and the facilitators. We will take time to engage other Craft 101 participants as re/sources as well as audience.

July 5 - 12


Rich Kuperberg

The scale movements of the body in triple and lateral design along with specific dynamo rhythms will enable the student to articulate weight, resistance, emotion, shape and thought with a vocabulary that can be activated in dance, and theater modalities.The ability to focus the actors message through the body shapes and dynamics without the face is basic to the learning outcomes. Corporeal mime from the teachings of Etienne Decroux will be the basis for this technique.

July 1 - 5


Frances Teppner

Embodied expression creating a sense of continuity and artistic and rhythmic completion through somatic explorations of movement and language - Dancing and Wording. This project will pair body movement/dance with creative journal writing to delve deeply into the nature of the corporeal, and the symbiotic relationships of embodied expression.

Craft 1o1


Participants of Performing Arts 101 will immerse themselves in the disciplines of theater, dance, mime, movement and music. These courses focus on the refinement of performance techniques, understanding the historical and cultural contexts of the performing arts, and fostering collaboration and creativity in a dynamic setting. The performing arts will most certainly find connectivity between a number of other disciplines outside of their program, including construction, mechanics, visual arts, and humanities - all holding the space for expansive experiences spurred on by the curiosities of the participants.