Véronique Stohrer

Born 1977 in Stuttgart Germany, Véronique graduated with a graphic-design diploma at Fh Pforzheim in 2004. During her studies she spent one year of an exchange term at Camberwell College of Art in London.

After her degree Véronique worked for different agencies, which range from graphic to packaging design. Véronique focuses on collages - analog and digital - which appeals to many magazine clients.

Starting in 2006, Véronique worked for both international and national publications. In 2016 she became a member of the Association BBK (Union of female Artists Baden- Württemberg).

Her work is published in several Art & Design Books for example in TASCHEN : Illustration now 5.She received the Joseph-Binder Award Vienna for her degree and the Red Dot Award.





Brittany Hayden


Melinda Faylor