Aida Miron

Aida Miron is an architect and artist, whose work is grounded in the fields of architecture, urbanism, critical theory and the visual arts. Her work explores notions of public space, reconstruction, memory and ecology. She has an B.Arch. from the Cooper Union Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture in NYC, a Masters in Architectre from the ETSA-Barcelona in Spain, an MFA from the Kunstakademiet i Trondheim-NTNU in Norway, and a post-graduate diploma in Urban Studies from the Bauhaus-Dessau in Germany.  From 2009-2014, she was instructor of the Architectonics first year design studio at the Cooper Union School of Architecture with Lebbeus Woods and David Gersten, among others. She has lectured, taught workshops, and been a visiting critic in the East Coast and Europe. She is a partner of the landscape design and research studio, La Casona Garden in Miami, Fl, and founder of KoraForms, a studio collaboration with artists, architects, and landscape and lighting designers, founded in Gowanus Brooklyn in 2010. She has worked as a designer and researcher in NYC, Miami, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, Trondheim and Tromso.

Aida was part of the initiating troupe of Arts Letters & Numbers and has since then been a visiting artist 2015-2016.


Susan Mills


Alva Mooses